
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Outils ‹ Ignostic Morgan’s Blog — WordPress | Ignostic Morgan's Blog

Outils ‹ Ignostic Morgan’s Blog — WordPress.

            Faith begs the question of its subject, and thus can never instantiate Him. Faith is the we just say so of credulity. Science is acquired knowledge whilst, as Sydney Hook notes, faith begs the question of being knowledge.

           Reason moves mountains of ignorance whilst faith relies on the argument from ignorance!

          Faith is more than just trust and embracing wholeheartedly ones God; it is the underpinning of supernaturalism with obstinancy. Alister Earl McGrath would have us think that to have faith is  just to have trust, and thus trust in Him is the same as trust in science. Nay, science embraces facts whilst no facts support supernaturalism. When people doubt that He exists, others blabber, just have faith, which means that obstinancy rather than trust as one must overcome doubts with evidence as in any rational endeavor. We naturalists don’t dwell in scientifsm that view that only science can deliver. We note other rational sources of knowledge: all which depend on evidence.

       Haughty John Haught excoriates us naturalists for not permitting other venues of knowledge, but that begs the question of  those venues of knowledge.  Fr. Lemaitre was right to tell the then pope not to seize upon the Big Bang as evidence for God. My fellow skeptic John L. Schellenberg errs in claiming that we naturalists also should not rely on contemporary science as it will ever change, but that is the glory of science! That is why we depend on it!

      We rely on whatever knowledge that can change, because we value the truth rather than the Truth for all time!

      Alexander Smoltczyk, German journalist, prattles that God is neither a principle nor an entity nor a person but the Ultimate Explanation of everything. That supports ignosticism, because if He is neither an entity nor a person, then He cannot instantiate Himself as that explanation!

     Karen Armstrong, with her apothaticism, maintains that He is neither this nor that as one cannnot explicate what He is, but thereby affriming ignosticism, because if one cannot explicate what He is, one has no case whatsoever! And I already dispose of  the case for the reverse, cataphaticism ! 

    Therefore, it seems to me, that these two and others acturally see Him as a metaphor. A metaphor for what? What we ignostics then  proclaim is that that is what Paul Edwards calls  a bombastic redefinition!

  Neither faith nor postulation nor definition can instantiate Him!

  Furthermore, it misserves people to prattle that actually they are in a relationship with  what Martin Buber calls a thou  [God]rather  than an it. Without evidence, they only are entertaining us with an imaginary friend! All relgious experience is just people’s mental states at play! To allege that we naturalists beg the question against supernaturalists as my fellow atheist Jonathon Harrison^ does is itself to beg the question, because that assumes that indeed a supernatural power can effect natural phenomena!

  We fallibilists quite openly acknowledge that we could be wrong! Nevertheless, until  supernaturalism is verified otherwise, ignosticism rules.

    ^ Harrison, ” God, Freedom and Immortality”

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One Response to Outils ‹ Ignostic Morgan’s Blog — WordPress

  1. God is said to be immutable and all-loving and a personal being but, ah, those are contradictions ,because it He is immutable, nothing can affect Him, but as all-loving and as a personal being,what happens to people must affect Him!

    If He is transcendent, He cannot be also omnipresent, because to be transcendent is to be only outside time and space, And if He is tanscendent, He cannot create, because only creation can place itself in time and space.
    If He is a personal being, He must be in time and space to ac t, but if He is transcendent, He is again outside tme and space, and thus we see a contradiction.

    If He is to act, He has to depend on laws of Nature and thus cannot be that Primary Cause that Aquinas claims that He is and cannot be the Ultimate Explanation that Leibniz claims that He is!
    For all these reasons and more, we ignostics caim that perforece He cannot exist!
    I’ll adduce more reasons why that is so true!
    No traversing the Cosmos nor having omniscience requires themselves as this remains a fact of logic!
    How might people try to overcome these objection and how might they add others?



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Yes, I find that theists prattle about that square circle! However we gnu atheists address HIm, Being Itself or Sky Pappy, ignosticism reveals that He means nothing factually,only meaningful semantically like dear old Santa Claus!
Please shine here and at that other site!
What do you opine?
Google skeptic griggsy to see how I value sweet retirement!

1 comment:

  1. " Occult power wielded by a transcendent being in an inscrutable manner for unfathomable purposes does not seem in be any sort of a good explanation,' notes Keith Parsons.
    Poet Percy Bysshe Shelley notes" To suppose that some existence beyond, or above them [natural laws,Sg.]is to invent a second and superfluous hypothesis to account for what already has been accounted for."
    God as that Primary Cause and the Sufficient reason thus fails big time! Teleonomy- mechanism-causalism- no directed outcomes rule in the Cosmos, rendering a director violating the Ockham with convoluted, ad hoc assumptions, and contradicts rather than complements science!
    Directed- theistic- evolution, then perforce is just an oxymoron, obfuscationg science!
    As Victor Stenger, athologian-astrophysicist, notes that the Cosmos would be otherwise than it exists were there God! Scinetists encounter no virgin births, miracles, resurrections and assumptions into that putative Heaven!
    Science itself declares that no God operate in Nature! That includes the deist God,because no intent was behind the Big Bang, itself just a transformation of preexistent quantum flustuations. Science finds no evidence for God the Sutainer, despite the argument from contingency
